Viewing and Editing a Line Item in the General Tab

This screen displays most of the basic information contained in estimate lines. If the line is not an automated line, you have access to more fields than you will if the line is automated. You must have the Estimating module to use this feature. Select this tab to view/change existing estimate lines, or to modify default information before you add the line to the estimate. If a line is not automated, and the estimate is not locked, you can change the fields any time you want to. You cannot make changes to an automated line.

To view the estimate line properties screen

  1. Open the workfile.
  2. Select the Estimate tab, and then select the Lines tab.
  3. Right-click the line, and then select Estimate Line Properties.
  4. Edit the information if needed, and then click OK.
  5. Click Save or Save and Close.


Estimate Line Properties

Screen Description

Estimate Line Properties - General Tab Screen







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